The Congress
The current economic, social, and environmental scenario, already weak in itself, and the impact generated by the COVID-19 pandemic have stimulated a deep reflection on the organizational models of the whole society; from the behavioral models of consumers, and the productive ones of businesses and organizations, up to the functioning of national and supranational systems. In this context of recovery and desire to restore stability, the sustainability objectives, the stimuli for innovation, and the search for quality and new organizational models are essential pillars of circular economic systems.
It is high-priority the transition towards production and consumption models that choose sharing, renting, reuse, repair, renewal, and recycling of materials and products supporting an increasingly lasting life cycle, the continuous search for quality, new technologies and uses of goods. A huge challenge that must follow an approach based on the contamination of knowledge, going beyond the multidisciplinarity and transversality of the Commodity Science, which plays a role of great significance having been attentive to these issues for a long time. The XXX National Congress of Commodity Science is part of this perspective, which intends to bring together the scientific community for moments of discussion and study.
Quality: quality management systems, process and product certification, safety and traceability, sensory analysis, labeling, quality and consumer relations.
Innovation: innovative technologies, characterization of goods, processes and continuous improvement in production chains, technology and management innovation, digital innovation, ICT, research and technology transfer.
Sustainability and Circular Economy: Circular Economy models and tools, Industrial Ecology and Industrial Symbiosis models, environmental protection, management of natural resources and raw materials, waste management, critical materials, environmental technologies, sustainable consumption models, life cycle assessments (LCA, LCC, S-LCA), environmental management systems, sustainability indicators, circularity indices, sustainable development goals.
Thematic areas
Quality management systems, process and product certification, safety and traceability, sensory analysis, labeling, quality and consumer relations.
Innovative technologies, characterization of goods, processes and continuous improvement in production chains, technology and management innovation, digital innovation, ICT, research and technology transfer.
Circular Economy models and tools, Industrial Ecology and Industrial Symbiosis models, environmental protection, management of natural resources and raw materials, waste management, critical materials, environmental technologies, sustainable consumption models, life cycle assessments (LCA, LCC, S-LCA), environmental management systems, sustainability indicators, circularity indices, sustainable development goals.
Full Professor__€ 250,00
Associate__€ 200,00
Researcher, PhD student, postdoc__€ 150,00
No AISME members__€ 250,00
Full Professor__€ 200,00
Associate Professor__€ 150,00
Researcher, Phd student, postdoc__€ 100,00
No AISME members__€ 250,00
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